Get outside the box!

Work with Jordan Bower: transformational consultant, storytelling coach, and facilitator of creative interventions.

Meet Jordan Bower: Founder of Transformational Storytelling

When I was young, I fell in love with storytelling. After graduating business school, I set out on an unconventional path to try to merge the realms of management, creativity and art. I traveled the world, I walked across America by myself (!), and I embraced the risks of my unique creative education. Overall, it has been a hugely fulfilling success.

Over the last 15+ years, I have used my insights to become a masterful facilitator, coach, and consultant, with a subject matter specialization in the art and craft of storytelling. I have worked with many organizations around the world, and passed along my guidance and mentorship to thousands of individual leaders.

The most important skill of the future is the ability to re-write the story continuously as circumstances change. I can help you master it.

Jordan has worked with more than 150 organizations, including:

“Jordan knows when to push me and when to let me find my own way. These gifts of his, over time, have created a very special kind of trust.”

— Matt Landau, Travel Industry Thought Leader